GTA Online Surprise Christmas Update and Two Permanent Game Additions

Good news for all the GTA online fans out there. Rockstar has released a new content update for the beloved Grand Theft Auto V for all the major gaming platforms out there in the market that plays GTA 5 last November.

Aside from tons of discounts and bonuses, PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One GTA players are going to get a new type of vehicle as well as more advance tools that can be used for the creation of their own races. And there’s more, they are also set to release new updates and surprises this month of December.

These updates are Rockstar’s way of celebrating and being one with the holiday spirit. As per Rockstar’s announcement via their blog December 19 is the date where they are going to release their Festive Surprise Christmas event. A lot are predicting that the release will be made at around 11 am UK time if the past releases are going to be taken into account.

The specifics of this update for this ‘festive surprises’ were not yet announced. However due to the numerous times that Rockstar did in order to make their loyal patrons smile there are a few strong theories on what might those surprises will be.

Here are some of the assumptions for coming Christmas surprises based from the previous GTA 5 updates.

  1. It will probably look a lot like Christmas. Since the last GTA Christmas updates had snow added to the game, it is probably safe for you to expect that the snow will also fall in the GTA world this year. Who knows, you might probably even see random snowmen and snow angels in San Andreas.
  2. Christmas in any reality involves gifts. This year Rockstar might also give out free gifts, cool new items, and bonuses that you earn during gameplay. They’re usually generous when it comes to gifts, maybe they’ll give extra since its Christmas.
  3. That light snow will probably blow out into a storm when Christmas day is near. Just like in the past years, you might probably even be allowed to throw snowballs.
  4. Expect to see your very own Christmas tree in your apartment. What would a GTA Christmas be without these iconic trees, right? You might also see a massive tree at Los Santos.

Aside from the coming Christmas updates the following are some of the recent updates that you might haven’t heard of yet…

  1. You can now purchase a new plane which is the P-45 Nokota. Rockstar describes this new plane addition as a throwback to the glory days of flight. And saying to show the youngsters what would happen if an old dog like the P-45 Nokota learns new tricks implies that having this warplane legend in the game is going to be awesome.
  2. In addition to having the new plane, you can now take part in a new Adversary Mode in GTA online called the dogfight. In this new mode you must fight other players in a 1 on 1 match in order to gain points for your team.

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