WhatsApp APK Download and Test the Latest Feature

WhatsApp APK file is obviously intended for Android mobile devices to download and install. It is an alternative if you prefer to download the app aside from the Google Play Store. (https://www.banucciteam.com/) In fact, you can download the app from a trusted website in case you want to try the beta version of WhatsApp.

The beta version was released to allow users to delete messages being sent from Android mobile phones. This new feature would allow the removal of content just within 7 minutes after it was sent to the recipient. This feature has appeared on the 2.17.400 beta version of WhatsApp.

The said update has been considered useful in the event when you have realized you have sent a message to another recipient by accident. However, this doesn’t guarantee that the recipient has not read the message you have sent. When you opt for an open conversation, the content can be seen right after it was submitted, which is just before it was deleted.

Just make sure that you have deleted it before the 7 minutes are up, provided the recipient has not read the message yet. This procedure is similar to the removal of messages from a conversation. It can be recalled that when you delete the content, the deletion only covers your end of the conversation. The recipient retains a copy of what you have actually deleted from your smartphone. In contrast, you can now delete participants from the conversation, which can be done as a group or individually.

  • Just ensure that you are using WhatsApp version 2.17.400 beta version from your mobile phone.
  • Then, go to the conversation and select the message you want to delete. You will find a trash icon atop the app. Select Delete for Everyone, if you intend to delete all WhatsApp chat contents from all participants.

This post was last modified on November 17, 2023 9:45 am

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