Categories: Technology

Apps You Should Have on Your MacBook

The best thing about owning a MacBook is that users get a huge collection of compatible apps within their devices. Some apps can be downloaded right from Apple’s app store while some can be accessed from third-party websites.

Keep reading to know about the best apps that you can download to streamline your MacBook experience. The apps listed in this article are researched and analyzed based on productivity, security, and other important aspects.

Apps You Should Have on Your MacBook

Productivity Apps

The Fantastical calendar app provides a powerful set of tools and a highly practical full-screen calendar window. You can get basic features like adding and deleting events using its free edition. Tidy up all your Mac’s folders using the Folder Tidy app. It sorts files into organized subfolders using its ruleset.

You can add custom rules to organize things as you want and get things back with the undo button. Siri, Apple’s voice assistant helps change system settings, search for files, and more things with voice commands. Learn how to get Siri on MacBook to set it successfully on your MacBook.

Security Apps

Can’t remember multiple passwords for every single account you’re currently using? Download 1Password to secure your logins and credit card information in a completely encrypted vault, which can be accessed through a master password.

Little Snitch is another Mac security app that acts as a permission blocker. It allows users to control all incoming and outgoing connections. Get this app if you want to know about every activity your MacBook is performing. If updating apps annoys you, use MacUpdater to find updates in seconds.

Storage Apps

We all are aware of Google Drive which can back up a complete drive if required. Alongside this, Mac users can go with DaisyDisk which shows what is consuming up the storage on Mac. You can preview and delete required files directly from the client, saving quality time.

The desktop app of DropBox provides access to all files and folders while providing the ability to upload content straight from the desktop. You will get 2GB of free storage only for signing up. To get more, you can invite your friends or connect to DropBox via social media channels.

Entertainment Apps

When it comes to social and entertainment apps, MacBook users have lots of options. Aside from popular apps like Spotify, VLC Media Player, and Apple TV, you can use many other apps. If you are a PC gamer, you can go with GOG Galaxy. It is constantly improving with the inclusion of new features.  

Passionate players can use Epic Games Launcher to play games on Mac. Download and use Krisp which facilitates undisturbed video calls by eliminating background sound. After downloading it, choose it as a speaker and mic in any compatible video-calling app to use it.

Interface Changing Apps

Mac users can effortlessly change their interface using various apps. Alfred, an application launcher, quickly performs web searches, automates tasks, does calculations, and more advanced functions.  

Amphetamine features a simple interface and keeps Mac awake when it is performing any task. Using this app, you can easily and quickly override energy-saving settings and prevent your Mac computer from going to sleep.

Photo and Video Editing Apps

Screen recording and screenshot capturing on Mac operating systems can be fun using CleanShot X. It offers more than 50 different tools to take and edit screenshots and get screen recordings. The modern and clean user interface combines with macOS.

Pixelmator Pro is a must-have app for the fastest photo editing. It comprises a huge list of powerful features. If you require converting media files and/or encoding videos, you can use HandBrake. It offers several video-editing tools for adding subtitles and adjusting frame rate.

Which is the Right Mac App for Me?

This depends on your requirements. First, determine what you need to do and then choose the app accordingly. For example, if you want apps to get more of your tasks done in less time, you can use top-rated productivity apps.

Most Mac users can benefit from 1Password, Google Drive, MacUpdater, and Little Snitch. The reason is that everyone needs to protect their device from potential cyber-attacks and require a backup solution for optimal storage.


Whether you have purchased your MacBook recently or have been using it for a long time, these are some must have apps. Many of these apps are free, and many have both free and paid upgrade plans. Before downloading any app, confirm whether they run on Apple’s M1 and M2 chips.

To make the best use of the downloaded apps, keep them up to date to prevent security issues and enjoy advanced features. An app that you purchase and download from the Mac App Store can run effectively on any Mac you are using. 


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