Learn to Update Adobe Flash Player The Easy Way

Adobe Flash Player will receive updates until its termination date around 2020. According to Blorge, updating Flash Player is simple, yet very important to avoid security issues. There are several ways in which this process can be achieved and this article will guide you step by step.

  • Verify your current Flash Player version. Chances are, you might have the option of automatic installation on and there is no need for you to manually download the most recent Flash Player version. To check your current Flash Player version g to the official Adobe site and go to “Find Version”.
  • Close all windows: before downloading and installing a new Flash Player update try to close all open applications and windows. It is important because should any error occurs during the installation process, information could be lost or your PC might stop responding.
  • Get the most recent version by choosing your operating system and the Flash Player version you want from the Adobe Flash Player download page. When you found the right one simply click on Download Now.
  • Follow the instructions give for the installation. It might be a good idea to un-check extra toolbars and to read carefully all the terms and conditions before clicking on the Agree and Install now button.
  • Should the installation process fail, delete the Flash Player version downloaded manually and then re-install it once more.
  • Revisit the plug-in check page to make sure your Flash Player update was done correctly.

Are updates necessary?

Flash Player software is used to display and stream videos, including video calls, live video chat and other Internet base activities. It is also used to import GIF, JPEG and PNG files. Using the most recent update will also make sure your computer is not at riskdue to security issues.

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