iOS 11.2.5 Public Beta 4 Update Safe for your iPhone?

Not long ago we saw the 11.2.2 fix drop with a vital update for the Specter bug. Does this imply that the immediate release of the iOS 11.2.5  Beta version 4 will come with the same patch? Well, we don’t know what to say about that.

Is the iOS 11.2.5 going to have the same security patches as iOS 11.2.2?

With the arrival of iOS 11.2.2, we understand that Apple has this way of making a system in which minor version numbers held for a possible later use for combating security problems. But there’s really no evidence of the fact that the new patch will include the same beta patch used for iOS 11.2.5, given the fact that the development of the patch was made in a quick manner. It will be included at some point. But for a better providing of security, you need to stick to the iOS 11.2.2.

What’s new when it comes to iOS 11.2.5?

Given the fact that the last update Public Beta 3 came with ways to access podcasts with the help of Siri, we don’t have anything new to break that about this version of iOS 11.2.5. This is normal for Apple and disillusioning in the meantime. But if we think about it, this update wasn’t meant to be big and it certainly wasn’t going to have major features, only some bug fixes. But when you expect user-facing UI changes, you might get disappointed. Apple has a lot on their hands right now, so the time is not really helping them either.

What about the feature regarding the battery’s health?

Apple with probably make an official statement soon regarding the release date of an updated operating system with the battery-health feature included. And it will probably be the iOS 11.3 one. It might also include some features destined to control iPhone, thing that might not get a good opinion from people.

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