Google Works To Bring Apple Problems To Light

In 2015, Google issued a statement that they would be searching for bugs in every piece of software, not just their own. Google cares a lot about their customers. If a company knows about a particular issue but fails to address it, Google will take the information public and make them start working on it.

iPhone Has Problems

Although Apple has developed the iPhone, it didn’t realize the problems with its iOS. In fact, many people are on the lookout for any security issues, including hackers. The chance of them finding bugs is minuscule. Google, one of Apple’s rivals as well as Ian Beer and similar researchers, are hunting for these bugs.

Public Announcement About The Issues

Ian Beer with Google announced the issues about the iOS and Apple 5 on Twitter. The updates ensured the developers would secure the problem. After all, if he found out, hackers could find the exploits too.

Researchers were determined to take care of the bugs and media content problems. And, even though Apple is doing what it can to address the bugs, there is always someone looking at what they’re doing.

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