[Download] Google Play Services 2.8 APK Update Boosts App Performance

Everybody carries a smartphone in their pockets these days and the reason behind this is the fact that smartphones make our lives so much easier. Take for example Android powered smartphones which give users the ability to download and install thousands of apps which are specially developed to make things easier for them such as Uber which gives users the ability to order a ride without having to wait in the cold for a taxi or Google Maps which helps users set navigation routes when traveling through a foreign country.

Google Play Services

While Android fans love apps such as the aforementioned Uber and Google Maps, most of them tend to forget that they all wouldn’t work if Play Services wasn’t there in the first place. Despite the fact that Play Services is pre-installed on all Android powered smartphones, this app doesn’t get the level of recognition it deserves.

Play Services is tasked with many important duties but the most important one is that it gives apps the tools they need to automatically update themselves and to synchronize with the smartphone’s data. This is why people who delete Play Services from their smartphones because they don’t know what it does are always left shocked to find out that all their other apps stop working without it.

Google Play Services 2.8 APK

The reason why Play Services is in our sights today is because a new update has been made available. The update comes in form of APK (Android Package Kit) and it weighs in at 4.37MB. We should also mention that Google developed this APK for devices which run on Android 7.1 Nougat operating systems, but it can also be installed on a minimum of Android 6.0 Marshmallow.

Nonetheless, the new update doesn’t include any new features and the only purpose it serves is to improve Play Service’s performance. Therefore, Android users who want to make sure their smartphone is running at full performance should install the new APK as soon as possible.

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