Where’s Android Oreo? Samsung Galaxy S8 Android Oreo update is being delayed

It is known that Samsung’s Galaxy S8 is one of the best smartphones on the market. Maybe the best of the year.  And with its AMOLED curved display (which, as you may know, covers the entire front of the phone) and its best camera that ever was, it’s understandable. It’s also fair that people want this phone so much. And with the fact that the price decresed, it’s even easier for people to have it. Even more, with their nnew contracts, you’ll have to pay only £23 per month.

There’s a part that’s a bit disappointing, tho. Where’s Android Oreo? It’s the new version of Android, so why doesn’t this phone have it? Expectations are high.  The phone still has Android Nougat and no one is telling us anything about the new update. It’s been on the picture from the last Autumn, when Google announced its release and it has great features, really good improvements and it became so popular right now. Everybody has heard about it and everbody wants it. And it seems legit, because of its multitasking improved now, its brilliant security system, the battery that lasts longer (that’s really useful!) and the new gif keyboard!

The next news might upset you a bit. We expect the same for the entire fan-base of Samsung Galaxy S8.

Korea technology firm announced their new smartphone, the A8, which will be available for sale in April. A8 has AMOLED infinity display, worth of 5.6 inches and a new camera, dotated with dual lenses for front-facing camera. However, it will remain to the Android Nougat, with no other specification about the Oreo one. This might mean that the Korean tech isn’t going to go for its new release of the latest OS until the end of the spring.

Even though some people already got to taste the Oreo update thanks to the beta versions, there’s still no release date. And even after it will all seem ready to go, they’ll still need to run some tests. Remember last year when fans had to waited until March – April for Samsung to tell them something about the new update? Let’s hope it won’t take that long this time, too. And considering the fact that HTC, Sony and Nokia have already announced the releasing of Oreo on their devices, it shouldn’t happen again.

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