Pokémon Ultra Sun And Pokémon Ultra Moon: Enjoy the Full 3DS Pokémon Experience

These two games have just been released and we’re here with a list of all the features and improvements over the previous games.

Last year we’ve seen Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon on 3DS and it took the fans by storm, showing that 3DS is still alive and kicking. It brought new content to gamers, it increased the lore and gave us the opportunity to catch new Pokémon from the Alola region.

The Best Pokémon Experience so Far

This year we’re looking at the new games, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon that improve the experience we had last year and even takes it further away, adding more story elements, characters, areas, other improvements and challenges. The games are built on the original Sun and Moon versions, but offer a lot more than the first ones.

Here are some of the new things you should try in Pokémon Ultra Sun or in Pokémon Ultra Moon.

Great Features: New Areas, Pokemon, Legendary Pokemon and Beasts, Time Travelling and More!

Explore Alola and look at the changes and new content, visit the Battle Agency and try to battle in 3v3 battles. Take challenges like the Mantine Surf and get in online battles or trading modes. Complete sub-quests, find over 400 Pokémon and ‘Catch them All!’

Explore more worlds through wormholes, go to see the Ultra Megalopolis and discover Ultra Beasts in that dark world which has been tainted by Necrozma, a Legendary Pokémon. Through wormholes, you will be able to catch more legendary Pokémon that were available in previous games.

Going through wormholes will also make you face the villains of all times and face them. We’re talking about Team Rainbow Rocket which reunites all of the six generations of bad guys on the same team. You will face a part of the team if you play Pokémon Ultra Sun and the other if you play Pokémon Ultra Moon.

New battle moves are introduced, so you can have some Z-moves that will finish your opponents and make you a lot stronger than before.


So, don’t just wait around and dream about it all. Just get it on your Nintendo 3DS and start making your team to become the very best Pokémon Master!

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