Lords Mobile – The Mobile Game That Replicates the Success of Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans is a game that used a simple concept but it managed to make it interesting enough to attract the attention of millions of users. Logically, plenty of games soon followed, and each one tried to come with something new.

Lords Mobile is such a game. The goal of the player is to take care of a small town and try to attack other players. Let’s see what this game has to offer.

Getting started

After you first download the game, you will see a backstory that will be followed by a tutorial. You will be taught how to play and you will be able to try out the basic things.

You will start by building a farm and upgrading your castle and things will continue to move forward from there.


Battles are one of the best parts of the game and it is clear that the developers focused on them. That is because they come with some impressive visual effects that differentiate Lords Mobile from other games. However, one disadvantage is the fact that it feels more like watching a movie than fighting since you don’t really participate in the attacks.


When it comes to interface, Lords Mobile is one step behind other similar games. Its main disadvantage is the fact that it does not come with a simple interface and it feels as if they tried to make it more complicated on purpose. This does not make the game more complex, and it only makes it feel too difficult to play.

It becomes hard to understand the missions, objectives, and stats, and this is certainly one thing that must be fixed by the game developers. In fact, this aspect is the only one that does not require any additional complexity.

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Tags: Lords Mobile

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