Latest Android Updates from Google

The Android operating system is one of most widely used operating systems today. The surge in mobile device usage over the past couple of years is one of the reasons for this statistic, but also due mainly of the speed and security it can offer its users. It rivals even that of Apple and in some aspects have surpassed its IOS operating system in the opinion of some users.

Apart from differing user opinions, a fact still remains that it is a creation of one of the most successful tech giants in the industry, Google. And Google with all its knowledge in web security and mechanics will definitely have the resources and manpower to pull off a formidable mobile operating system such as Android.

How does Google Keep Android OS to be such in tip-top shape?

If you look at the history of Android OS you will see that Google had a lot of updates and upgrades rolled out. They never started with a perfect product; instead they rolled out a viable product and worked continually to improve it.

They listened to the feedback given by its current users and tweak their OS depending on the results of that feedback. They also continually look out for bugs in their code as well as vulnerabilities in their software and hastily gives out patches to correct the errors.

If you are a user of the Android OS then you have to make sure that you have the latest updates compatible with your device to ensure that you have the latest batch of services and security.

The Android Oreo Update

The latest Android OS update is known as the Android Oreo. This update has not been rolled out with the latest models of the leading mobile device brands yet. If you want to install it on your device, you’ll have to check first if it is already available on your region and that your device supports it.

Learn how to download the Google Play Store APK update today.

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