GTA V Update Download Available with the Vigilante Uber-car

Rockstar has finally released the Vigilante car for Grand Theft Auto V players. Although hackers have been using the car for some weeks, those players not interested in cheating can now enjoy the new superfast car. The price of the car is of 4 million $ and it is an indestructible roadster, very similar to the Batmobile.

The Vigilante car has been released

Rockstar marks with the release of the Vigilante car the 4th anniversary of GTA: Online and the company decided to give away 400,000$ to any user who logs in between the 6th ad the 13th of November.

The Vigilante car is very fast and it also works with rocket propulsion. The car should make an appearance during a new Transform Races, but most players are waiting for a rainy night race, in order to properly enjoy the new addition.

GTA V and GTA Online

The action video game was released for the first time in 2013 and since then it has been nothing but a blessing for Rokstar. The Online version is also cashing in a lot of money and it is constantly receiving new DLCs.

Unfortunately, the developer announced that there will not be a DLC for the single player version, since the company is buy enough with the release of the new game Red Redemption 2.

GTA V can be played from a third or a first person perspective and players can go around by foot or by vehicle. The open world version also allows players to explore the streets of San Andreas and the city of Los Santos.

Players can enjoy the single player version or the multi-player one and they can use firearms, swim, run, fight, use different vehicles and more. More than 1,000 people worked on the game’s development.

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